Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Project365 {A Walk In Our Jammies}

I'm trying to get back in the saddle, so to speak! I haven't abandoned my project 365, I just haven't been posting on my blog.  I've been taking photos every day but have been focusing on editing and I'm just not getting it! But I press on because overall I'm just so pleased with where I am, photographically speaking, and how far I've come. Still so far to go and much to learn, but finding it all so therapeutic at times.
With this beautiful spring weather, we have been starting to spend a lot of evening time outside. Not always practical on school/work nights but necessary for these 2 high energy kids.  So last night...dinner, bath, jammies,  bikeride. In that order! Hey, you do what you gotta do!

Monday, February 2, 2015

Project365 {sisters}

I read somewhere recently that your family can push your buttons because they are the ones that installed them. For as true as that can be, sometimes family can also be the only ones who can make you laugh. You know, that hard belly laugh that brings tears to your eyes and makes you face hurt!  Despite the fact that our family lost someone very special this past week, our dad's only brother, it gave me and my sister's the opportunity to spend some time recalling precious family memories and making new ones. Sisters.  Just nothing like them!

Saturday, January 24, 2015

24/365 {sledding}


Finally, a day to get out and actually enjoy the snow!  We had so much fun sledding with our friends, Karena and sweet Emma.  Cadie and Emma are in the same Kindergarten class and love each other like sisters.  Sweet!  We have awesome hills to sled on just around the corner at the local High School.  Some of the kids already there built some moguls on the hills, so it was a mission each and every time to hit a mogul catch some air.  Cadie was a little scared at first, but once she got the hang of it, she seemed to enjoy it.  Jordan...well, as I've said before, he's a work in progress.  The snow does not impress him, nor did all the antics of the sledders.  He wanted nothing to do with even standing in the snow.  In fact, all of these pictures, except the one's he's in, were taken with me holding him in one arm or the other!  There was a small patch of grass that he would tolerate, but that was it.  We'll just see how this all plays out next winter.  I think this kid is going to be the first one in his snow pants!

Friday, January 23, 2015

23/365 {noodle bowl}


 Cadie's noodle bowl.  She refuses noodles in any other bowl. It must always be this bowl.  I have tried to serve her noodles in other bowls, only to have her hold out until I take this one out of the dishwasher, wash it and serve up her noodles in the proper fashion!  Yes, I'm a pushover at times.  But this daughter of mine can dig her heels in like nothing I've ever seen before.  And as a mom, you gotta pick your battles.  The noodle bowl wins!

Thursday, January 22, 2015

22/365 {bedtime routine}


I can hardly believe this little guy is only 18 months old.  And yet, I can hardly believe this little guy is already 18 months old! He was a little baby for such a short fast time.  Now he's acts like such a big kid already.  I guess that happens when they have an older sibling.  And our little guy wants to be just like his big sister, do everything his big sister is doing, and be everywhere his big sister is!  So it hasn't taken him anytime at all to get down a solid bedtime routine.  From putting his clothes in his hamper ("froggy") to brushing his teeth and picking out a book!  Pretty soon he'll be wanting to shave just like daddy!  Look out, this boy is growing up fast!

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

21/365 {happy birthday to me}


It always snows on my birthday. Always.  I can't ever remember a birthday without snowfall on my special day.  I always imagine a gaggle of Angels throwing glitter down from heaven just for me.  Passed loved ones and pets saying "happy birthday!" from Heaven.  It's a good thing I love the snow.  I got home just in time to get a few photos of our beloved playhouse freshly covered with today's snowfall.  We love this playhouse and it has brought countless hours of fun for Cadie.  And now Jordan has a little obsession with the playhouse and it's doorbell, door, windows, stovetop and sink.  Year round, this is just a special imagination evoking place to play.  Thanks to Nanny and Poppy for this special gift, and for Aunt Kelly's help getting it in just the right spot!

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

20/365 {little chef}


This kid cracks me up!  He just loves to be in the kitchen.  Loading the dishwasher, closing it, washing the dishes, pretending to cook, taking the pots and pans out, then putting them away.  We have a real little chef on our hands.  On Sunday morning, when Christopher was making bacon, Jordan kept putting his little frying pan on the toy kitchen burner to make it sizzle!  And he stood there, just like daddy pretending to turn his bacon!  Then he'd come back to the kitchen to see how the bacon was progressing.  This was the age when we could keep Cadie entertained in the kitchen literally for hours, while I cooked, baked, cleaned the fridge.  She would bring in her play vegetables and pretend to cut them up, sort them in was endless fun.  Can't wait to see how long this little chef will hang around kitchen!

Monday, January 19, 2015

19/365 {girls day}


Girls day out...where else but Chocolate World of course!  We did the ride 3 times, had lunch and looked at all the chocolate.  But we exercised amazing restraint and didn't buy a thing (we got enough free chocolate from the ride)!  We also got our Hersheypark pass pictures taken, so now we are set for a rockin' fun summer!

Sunday, January 18, 2015

18/365 {play day}


We had a very laid back day.  We played, napped, played some more, and napped again!  Cadie had some homework.  They are working on recognizing vowels and consonants.! I don't think I did this kind of stuff until much later in grade school. I'm so impressed with her handwriting and her ability to focus on the task at hand.  She just continually amazes me.  And Jordan, well, he's just as busy and focused.  He's discovered the light switches and now carries his step stool around the house checking to make sure all the light switches work!  What a crew! 

Saturday, January 17, 2015

17/365 {farmer's market}


This morning we headed out bright and early for the farmer's market. We had breakfast there, a cup of coffee, and strolled around doing some shopping.  I wish I had taken more pictures, I'm still a little hesitant taking my camera out and snapping pictures for some reason. I don't know why, I see other people doing it all the time!  Next trip to the market, I'm not going to hesitate...mama's gonna snap!

Friday, January 16, 2015

16/365 {friday night lights}


Friday night.  We all just need to unwind from the busy week.  I'd like to say we do a family game night.  We used to until Jordan started toddling around and getting into every little tiny piece of game.  So regular game nights are on hold for a little while.  Movie night has quickly taken it's place.  We can all watch while Jordan and I play on the floor.  I know once spring has sprung, movie night will take a backseat to playground dates, wagon rides, and long walks to the neighborhood park, and then evenings at the pool in the summer.  But for now, on a cold 10 degree winter night, lazing around the TV is just fine with me!